Love the Badlands Caps
It’s beautiful out here, isn’t it.
Proudly show off your love of the Badlands. Well-made caps show off the claim that these Badlands really are beautiful.
And you get the added benefit of keeping wood ticks out of your hair when exploring the Badlands.
But wait, there’s more!
Let’s count the benefits of ordering a Beautiful Badlands cap:
1. No ticks
So you will not be an unwilling blood donor.
2. Shade Your Eyes from Blinding Sun
So you can see and not step on cactus, rattlesnakes or into sinkholes.
3. Protect your face from painful sunburn
So you won’t have that perpetual look of blushing.
4. Keep your hair tangle-free
So you won’t break the teeth in your comb.
5. Cover bald spots
So you can look young again.
Don’t be a Karen
Be like Carol. She said:
Beautiful Badlands Ballcap is the best!!Excellent color, definitely quality made, & comfort!Fits like a glove (well hat… but you get it)Love the adjustment buckle too for customized fit.And a bonus… this great material does not fly off your head in prairie winds!Thanks Mike &Mary Lou!Got a wool one for my husband (works in a cooler / butcher) and he loves it.These are not your run of the mill discount store caps. They are superior! You need to spoil yourself and get some.
PS: fast ship too!
6. Be You(neak)
Cap styles are individually selected for our inventory. So, the cap you see today may not be the cap you see tomorrow. Pick the cap that is totally “you!” Your caps makes you youneak!

Brown wool cap with green trip and bill
How to order caps
We try to mail out caps the same day they are ordered. Delivery is fast, this spring: 1-4-days. In some cases we can hand-deliver.
You’ve probably done a whole lot of online shopping from home this year — so you know what to do. Right?
It all starts up there on the top where it says “Shop.” Or just click here.
Just in case you want to know how to order caps:
Oh wait! You’ve never done it before?
Welcome to the age of the Jetsons (you know who that is, right?)
(You’re using a computer? Oh my. Here’s what you do with that thingy you hold in your hand to move the arrow around on the screen in front of you. Oh, you’re using your phone. That thingy is one of the five thingys at the end of your arm. In modern terms, that’s called a “finger.”)
Step 1.
Go to Beautiful Badlands ND website (the website you are on now) and click “shop” at the top of the page. Or just click here.
Step 2.
Chose the cap you like. Click the photo of the cap you like.

Caps? More posts?
Step 3.
Click on the “add to cart” button.
Step 4.
Click on “proceed to checkout” button.
Step 5.
Now use that other thingy if you are using a computer, the one with all the letters and numbers on it. Or use your thingy at the end of your arm. Type in your name and address in the blanks
Step 6.
Click on “credit card,” or “PayPal” button.
Step 7.
Type in the information requested.
Step 8
Check the box to agree to terms and conditions
Step 9
Click “Place order” button.
Step 10
Watch for an email to see we got your order.
Step 11
Watch for the mail delivery person to bring your cap to you.
Wipe off your breath fog on the window where you have been standing with your face against the glass waiting for the mail to arrive.

These things don’t grow on trees, ya know. Sheesh!