Drive One of These 3 Spectacular Backyard Winter Road Trips
Stay warm while you are on a winter road trip Yeah, I don’t want to freeze my face in negative temperatures, either – and especially not if the wind is blowing. Yikes! So, let’s consider a warm winter road trip. We suggest staying warm on one of these road trips in...
YIKES! The Wild North Dakota Badlands earn the name “Badlands.”
6 exciting books about the Badlands: myths, and legends, lynchings, murders and killer blizzards that shaped the people of the North Dakota Badlands. 6 “must-read” exciting books about the Badlands What if you could stand on a Badlands hill and see the old...
#1 Suggestion for Hiking Boots– Vasque — Red Wing
The Absolute Must-have! (to get to the top of that next hill) If I had to pick one item I could not do without when I spent time in the rough outdoors, it would be my boots. I’m wearing them today as I write and scoop snow from the 2-foot dump we got. My feet...
Kids Show off the Quality of Life in Western North Dakota
Kids and quality of life in the West Have you ever noticed you are around something a lot, but you don’t notice it? Then, once you notice, you can’t help but notice it every time. That happened to me this summer. We shifted our focus this summer from hiking and...