An Indian Scout Cemetery is one of six top Badlands Attractions in 2021
Planning your 2021 vacations and weekend explorations? You’re in good company. More than half of all American families say they are now planning their year’s excursions. They hope 2021 will be better than 2020. A good place to start is with these items such as...
Add 4 More of the top healthy Badland Attractions to Your 2021 calendar
For your 2021 Calendar — 4 more of the top Healthy Badland Attractions 2020 Badlands Attraction Goals Carry Over to 2021 There are places in the Badlands where you will have all the isolation you want. Like a fellow from Wisconsin told me on New Years Day,...
Some would be scared, but we loved the Milwaukee RR Bridge to the Calypso Trail
The Bridge to the Calypso Trail in the Terry Badlands As we wrote a few days ago (click here), the North Dakota Badlands has two counterparts to make a Badlands Trio, both in Montana. Besides the rock formations, they also have one other thing in common:...Old and new views of this vintage liftbridge –Then and Now
The twin lift bridges at Fairview and Mondak attract a lot of interest — and always have. They are unique in many ways and very impressive. Both are easy to get to, winter or summer. Roads and highways drive alongside the bridges, or underneath. Bill Shemorry,...