Most people don’t believe this is North Dakota

Most people don’t believe this is North Dakota

Have You Seen This in Person? Even some North Dakotans are surprised to see their state look like this. That photograph above is from northern Billings County and one of the marked and maintained gravel roads that runs east and west, Goat Pass Road. (Don’t ya...
You Won’t Believe The Color of the Badlands in North Dakota!

You Won’t Believe The Color of the Badlands in North Dakota!

  Color in the Badlands of North Dakota  The term badlands conjures up a mental image of desolation to some people.  Let’s face it.  Those badlands are called badlands for a reason!   While there can be dry, parched vistas in the badlands areas of western...
We Took our Own Advice and This is What Happened

We Took our Own Advice and This is What Happened

Our Advice: Go ahead. Get outside! You know it. I know it. Everyone who has endured another winter knows they’re itching to get outside, get fresh air and sunshine. And yesterday, we advised three points to visit this spring. We advised one for driving, one for...