River Bend Overlook, Theodore Roosevelt National Park
Looking forward to getting back to the Oxbow Overlook at the North Unit of the Theodore Roosevelt National Park. Goal: Exactly line up a shot as it was taken when the Civilian Conservation Corps built the famous stone building. This will give you a taste of what we will be aiming to exactly duplicate. This is one photo project we love!

Mid-summer sunset catches the River Bend Overlook above the Little Missouri River at the North Unit of the Theodore Roosevelt National Park.

It’s an easy walk from the parking lot to the Overlook. The view is worth it!
Using nearby natural materials, the Civilian Conservation Corps built several structures in both the South and North Units of the Theodore Roosevelt National Park. Even the rock was quarried here.
The men earned $30/month and were provided food, shelter, a few clothes, and boots. The camp where the 200 men in the CCC crews at the North Unit lived in a campground about where the entrance is to the North Unit.
“Then and Now” is a regular feature of Beautiful Badlands ND. If you have a photo with recognizable landmarks, we’d like to see it and then try to duplicate it. Drop us a comment in the comment box. Here are a couple other “Then and Now” stories and photos:
East Entrance of the South Unit of the Theodore Roosevelt National Park
Killdeer Rodeo at the Killdeer Mountains
Here is more about the CCC work at National Parks.
Scott Lamb wrote a paragraph about his days working with the CCC at the Park.
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