4 ways outdoorsy people explore Magpie Valley

4 ways outdoorsy people explore Magpie Valley

It’s kind of a scarred-up place.   We like Magpie Valley because it’s pretty isolated and that’s why it’s free to be just what it is, wild and free. Antelope are at home here. We’ve seen mountain lion tracks, so I guess they know where to get wild and free...
5 Landmarks in the Beautiful Badlands Look Like Their Name — Battleship Butte is one.

5 Landmarks in the Beautiful Badlands Look Like Their Name — Battleship Butte is one.

Before there was Google maps. Before there was Rand McNally.  People got around the rugged beautiful badlands by naming and recognizing landmarks.  They carry descriptive names, and if you use your imagination, you can see why. Battleship Butte Imagine a ship in the...
9 Places to Make this Weekend a Healthy Weekend

9 Places to Make this Weekend a Healthy Weekend

It’s a short drive for big benefits Pick a place.  There are millions of acres to give you a healthy weekend. Ya know you wanna get out and feel free, right? Any weekend is a good time to lose the masks, fill your lungs, stretch your legs, lose that tension in...