#1 Suggestion for Hiking Boots– Vasque — Red Wing
The Absolute Must-have! (to get to the top of that next hill) If I had to pick one item I could not do without when I spent time in the rough outdoors, it would be my boots. I’m wearing them today as I write and scoop snow from the 2-foot dump we got. My feet...
Yes the TR National Park is open — Take an Autumn Drive Past Wildlife
We drove through the TR National Park the other day. Just an afternoon drive. Think about That For us North Dakotans, it seems so normal to say “I drove through the National Park the other day.” I imagine millions of Americans do not have that luxury. ...
Is Mondak haunted? #1 Reason to visit Mondak Snowden Bridge–Stand at spot of murder and lynching
Is Mondak haunted? That spooky feeling you get between the Snowden bridge and the Mondak town site may be from this double murder and lynching. It’s a two-part story gleaned from a stack of old newspaper accounts. JC takes his troubles north JC had been in...