A Ukrainian New Year! January 1 marks the first day of the New Year in most of the world. That’s according to the Gregorian calendar. Ask any Ukrainian, and they’ll tell you that Ukrainian New Year begins the eve of January 13, and New Year’s Day...
Apples. Pick some, please! The seasons, they are a changing. As the dog days of summer linger, the colors of the landscape change, including those of our gardens and orchards. For many, that means Red! And lots of it! Apples. A delectable delight,...
Whoppers They’re big. They’re ugly! But, oh, do they taste good! Tastes like tender pork, meaty not fishy. The Truth At least, that’s what we were told when we joined the paddlefish snagging mania in North Dakota one opening day,...
Brilliant Yellow Fields! Brilliant yellow sunflower fields are a common sight in western North Dakota. In fact, you’ll find these bright yellow fields all over North Dakota each August. North Dakota Tourism even provides a Sunflowers in Bloom Map when the...
Cowboy Recipes! What’s as important as fireworks on the Fourth of July? Food! No gathering in the grasslands and badlands of western North Dakota and eastern Montana is without the smell of meat grilling! Add to that a few accompaniments, and...