It’s all in the cemetery records. Killed at Fort Buford. A brief history of Fort Buford — Murder and Suicide (Editor’s note. This murder suicide is one of several that happened at the Fort. A Halloween tour of the Fort’s cemetery is planned to...
Rhubarb Love it. Hate it. Weird rhubarb was a mainstay of the early settlers of the badlands and grasslands of North Dakota. It still is! Whether it was brought from Scandinavian countries, or Germany, or Ukraine, or Russia, no one really knows. But almost every...
You’re gonna love these eateries, too! We love to experience and photograph the Beautiful Grasslands and Badlands of western North Dakota and Eastern Montana. You don’t need a lot of time and money to enjoy the food and fare of western North Dakota. A...
If you think about it, driving the Theodore Roosevelt National Park scenic route is as close to a big game safari as you can get in North America. Instead of elephants and giraffes, we get to see bison, elk, big horn sheep, long horn steers and of course prairie dogs....
Mondak Stories from the Wild Side I’m always a bit tickled when someone I’m visiting with adds another anecdote to stories I’ve written. Take Mondak for example. There is no shortage of Mondak stories and anecdotes. That’s why I perked up this week when a...
Best Places for Ice Cream We surveyed twenty social media pages for recommendations to direct us to good ice cream. The response was overwhelming! The Top Nine Best Places for Ice Cream Are….. 1. Dakota Drug Company, Stanley, North Dakota...