In the dark? Trust! — Inspiration from the North Dakota Badlands
Trust when it is dark We’ve all been there. It really should be no surprise to know that even if you’re not in a dark time now, dark times are coming. Courage is a struggle. We’ve been in a dark place in our life when we were uncertain, stumbling. ...
The Bridge — Inspiration from the Badlands
The Bridge A bridge is a structure built to span physical obstacles without closing the way underneath such as a body of water, valley or road, for the purpose of providing passage over the obstacle. There are many different designs that each serve a particular...
God Can Do Anything — Inspiration from the North Dakota Badlands
God never gets tired The knowledge of God’s largeness is humbling. As great as I find the Badlands, it was all created by God’s hand — and He is much larger than it all. I’d be worn out if I tried to do anything like build even a little tiny...
Perfection — Inspiration from the North Dakota Badlands
Time Mesmerized, I gazed, looked and absorbed the landscape. A perfect landscape. I would not improve it, even if I could. Which I cannot. It took time to make this scene I devoured. A quick glance is cheating. It took time to create, and it takes time to grasp. I...