4 Road Trip Sunday Drive ideas. The thrill of the Badlands from your car!
Snapshot Sunday Drive A Sunday drive through the Badlands is better than you might think. Like that image above. Read on. It’s #1 on our top 5 Sunday Afternoon Road Trip ideas for today. #4 National Park Scenic Drive Chances are that on a Sunday Drive...
Wildlife Roamed in the First Fall Colors in Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
Fall Already? Fall colors seemed to come on early in Theodore Roosevelt National Park in North Dakota this year. So we spent time looking for them in the North Unit of the park in early September. We Weren’t Alone We seemed to have plenty...
This Museum in Grassy Butte Will Surprise You!
Grassy Butte Post Office, North Dakota Grassy Butte Welcomes You! Located on busy US Highway 85 in western North Dakota is a hidden gem of a town, Grassy Butte. Discover Grassy Butte’s Historic Post Office Don’t just drive past!...
We Took our Own Advice and This is What Happened
Our Advice: Go ahead. Get outside! You know it. I know it. Everyone who has endured another winter knows they’re itching to get outside, get fresh air and sunshine. And yesterday, we advised three points to visit this spring. We advised one for driving, one for...