This authentic Badlands powwow throws open the welcome doors
The Twin Buttes Powwow is tucked in the hills leading to the old Missouri River Valley. It’s a great place for the Twin Buttes Powwow construction, and for the powwow itself. It’s one of my favorite powwows because it is authentic. Not a chamber of...Best 2020 Christmas Light Drives in the Beautiful Badlands!
Christmas Spirit Prevails! There is no lack of Christmas Spirit in the Beautiful Badlands and Grasslands regions of western North Dakota and eastern Montana. Despite a challenging 2020, a strong Christmas Spirit prevails! Best Christmas Lights Drives in...
365 days to honor Veterans in the North Dakota Badlands
Veterans Day People in Western North Dakota take no second place when it comes to honoring and remember veterans. All year-long. Today is the day on which Veterans Day is observed, November 11. Medora Medora has sometimes been called the most patriotic town in the...
Trace a mystery to flooded Elbowoods with the Mild Mannered Explorers
Hiking to a town that does not exist “Hey, you wanna check out a historic town? It’s the home of a champion basketball team, a hospital, a mission, a couple of large schools, a bustling retail community,” he asked her. “It’ll mean a bit of a hike.” “Sure. How...